Training and information sharing for Daawo Women Peace Platform at Dollow by SWSO and funded by LPI
Kismayo Women Peace Platformwith support from the Police Commissioner mediating between two clans
The most important thing to have in the world is a peaceful place that anyone can thrive without fear of prejudice and SWSO is committed to.
Unity is strength and unity of purpose is what brings people together to work towards a common goal, we therefore encourage theSomali people
Village Saving and Lending Association (VSLA), which was started late last year in partnership with Peace Direct.
Restoring Stable Communities in Somalia, which was launched in early April 2017 through our partnership with Saferworld
Strengthening women’s participation in peace building, which was launched in Kismayo, Somalia in May 2016
GIZ commissioned a rapid market survey on processed milk products and businesses in Kismayo. With support from GIZ,