Collaboration with civil society is essential for preventing and reducing crime and violence, Community Action forums (CAFs) formed by Somali Women Solidarity Organization (SWSO) in partnership with saferworld has been working closely with the police to improve the relationship between law enforcement and the community. These CAFs work and operate in five neighborhoods and yet to reach in midnimo and Gulwade neighborhoods.CAF Halgan with the splendid work they have done in their communities. Minimo elders have approached CAF Halgan to extend their services and assist in linking the police and the Midnimo community.
CAF halgan accepted their request and came up with the best way they could do trust-building. They thought of having football matches to strengthen the relationship between the community and the police. Halgan Community action Forum met with the police commander of midnimo police station Abdi Shakur and shared with him two dozen of football T-shirts. These T-shirts were provided in order for them to wear when they arrange for matches among the police and the community.