Construction of veranda (7 meters length and 5 meters width) for the beneficiaries, customers and security guards and Construction of a new poultry pen with favorable condition for inserting the incubator and newly chicks 15 m length 10 m width for 400 new chicks at Midnimo poultry farm in Midnimo location, Kismayo  


Improving the living standards of the selected beneficiaries by earning income through sale of poultry products in kismayo


Somali Women Solidarity Organization (SWSO) is a Non-governmental organization (NGO) which was formed in 2006 and subsequently registered with the Somali Federal Government as well as the Jubbaland Administration. The organization was formed through joint indigenous intellectual efforts with the help of the local appealing force on the ground. Engaged in human rights protection focusing on vulnerable groups, especially women and girls subjected to gender-based violence (GBV), in Jubbaland.

SWSO contribute to the creation of a safe and sustainable situation by supporting women to overcome marginalization, violence and poverty in their communities. It operates as a non-profit making organization that has network with a variety of organizations that share similar values and vision. In Somalia women face a range of complex challenges that require multiple solutions. We work in the belief that women through their own efforts and in collaboration with local, national and international allies are central to transforming their own lives and the lives of their communities and population of which they are part of. SWSO is women-led and women-centred organization, so its programs reflect the needs of those it serves that have well-functioning management, finance and programmatic structures and systems.

SWSO is currently implementing the project of improving the living standards of the selected beneficiaries by earning income through sale of poultry products in kismayo.

The project seeks to improve the livelihoods of vulnerable households currently living in the newly established settlement in Midnimo, Kismayo. The settlement was created by the Jubbaland Government to address the devastating displacement in Jubbaland. The previous project aimed at supporting 50 women to start, run and sustain a profitable poultry farming business initiative in Kismayo. The women have been trained on poultry management; skills complemented with business training that took 6 days. Beneficiaries who benefited from poultry project consist of women IDPs and returnees. The project also has indirect beneficiaries that benefited from the project in so many ways, including health wise. A steady supply of proteins to the town of Kismayo, its hotels, kiosk shops, roadside women that sell eggs etc.  

SWSO aimed at capacitating 30 women at the new settlement who showed willingness to manage a profitable poultry farm. Capacity building through comprehensive training on small and medium scale poultry rearing Training accompanied by provision of start-up, basic business management skills, chicken nutritional feeding as well as support with marketing the product.

The facilities would be used by Midnimo poultry women to operate income generating poultry business.

The technical and engineering drawings of the buildings should be prepared by the bidder for submission along with their tender offer. Final copies of the structural and engineering drawings for the buildings shall be provided by the contractor less than 10 days after signature of the construction contract.

All official construction permits required shall be the contractor´s responsibility as well as the costs involved.

Any proposed changes to the Technical Drawing and/or the Bill of Quantities agreed in the contract must be acknowledged in writing and signed by SWSO prior to works.

The tender is open to eligible contractors who are registered and operational in Somalia.

TENDER Submission

  • Completed, signed and stamped tender documents should be sent by email to:

Preparation of Tenders

The tender submitted by the tenderer shall comprise the following:

  •   These Instructions to Tenderers  and Specifications
  • All documents relating to the tender and any correspondence shall be in English language.
  • BOQs Signed and Stamped
  • Registration certificate of the company
  • company profile
  • Workplan

The tenders email subject should be:

Construction of veranda (7 meters length and 5 meters width) for the beneficiaries, customers and security guards and Construction of a new poultry pen with favorable condition for inserting the incubator and newly chicks 15 m length 10 m width for 400 new chicks at Midnimo poultry farm in Midnimo location, Kismayo

A printed version of the tender should be submitted in a sealed envelope to be dropped in the SWSO Tender Box which will be located at SWSO office in Kismayo.

  • All tenders received after close of business on 10th February 2021 will not be considered.
  • Separate printed hard copies of bids shall be submitted in sealed envelopes addressed as follows:

Tender for Construction of veranda (7 meters length and 5 meters width) for the beneficiaries, customers and security guards and Construction of a new poultry pen with favorable condition for inserting the incubator and newly chicks 15 m length 10 m width for 400 new chicks at Midnimo poultry farm in Midnimo location, Kismayo

SWSO Office

Farjano Kismayo, Somalia

  1. Email size should not exceed 15mb – if this limit is breached bidder should split the submission into two or more emails.

Closing date for the tender: 10th February 2021 at 5:00PM



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