Somali women solidarity organization (SWSO) with support from their partner GIZ  provided a  cost efficiency solution from the power expense challenges  the business women groups in Kismayo faced.

Horyal Bakery Group are women who are trained and equipped with skills of baking sliced breads,cakes of different varieties,biscuits and cookies.They sell their product to hotels, shops, supermarkets and the neighborhoods of  Kismayo. SWSO supported Horyal Bakery Group after assessing their need to continue their business with more affordable electricity means. These business women had faced payment of high electricity bills at the end of every month,where they made little or no profits at the end of it all.SWSO installed eight solar powers in their production centre reducing their costs of electricity at their business centre up to 80% by using this cheap alternative power source.

Horyaal Bakery Group among other business women group beneficiaries acquired knowledge and skills on the thematic modules of Marketing share, record keeping, business risk management. they were also trained on solar energy  operation and how to fix panel, batteries and inverters.



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